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Our exams
L’institut français du Qatar est le seul centre habilité du Qatar à pouvoir organiser des examens de français. Nous proposons différents types d’examens afin de certifier votre niveau de langue française dans les situations suivantes :
The TEF Canada targets candidates wishing to certify their French language level for immigration and nationality procedures. It is required by the Federal Government of Canada. Download the flyer in French, Download the flyer in English
The TCF Canada is aimed at all individuals aged 16 years old and above, regardless of their nationality or mother tongue, who need to certify their level of French as part of the process of economic immigration to Canada or to obtain Canadian citizenship and, therefore, need to submit an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Professionnel / Général / Académique
The DELF General Public (Diplomas d’Etudes en Langue Française) est conçu pour les personnes désireuses d’évaluer leur niveau de français à des fins personnelles, académiques ou professionnelles et sont valables à vie. Les étudiants étrangers souhaitant poursuivre leurs études en France sont tenus par les universités françaises de fournir un diplôme DELF TP. Le DELF TP évalue les niveaux (A1, A2, B1, B2) du cadre européen des langues (CECRL). Le DALF (Diplômes Approfondi en Langue Française) correspond aux niveaux avancés (C1, C2).
The TCF Tout Public SO (Test de Connaissance du Français sur Ordinateur)certifies your level of French for personal, academic or professional purposes. The TCF results in the issuance of a level certificate valid for 2 years.
The TEF Intégration, Résidence, Nationalité is recognised by the French Ministry for the Interior and is indispensable for anyone applying to the French State for a resident card or a naturalisation. It is designed to measure the level of oral/written comprehension and oral/written expression in French. Download the flyer in French
Diplomas for the youngest
The DELF Junior cible les étudiants qui sont toujours à l’école secondaire (de 12 à 17 ans). La version Junior a la même structure que le DELF Tout Public mais couvre des sujets relatifs aux intérêts et passions des adolescents. Les examens vont du niveau A1 au B2.
The DELF Prim is designed for children in primary school (6 to 12 years old) who are starting to learn French. The exams correspond to level A1.1, A1 and A2.
International Certificate of Mastery in Arabic (CIMA)
The CIMA (International Certificate of Mastery in Arabic) assesses the four key skills required for all candidates wishing to interact in Arabic. The exam is therefore made up of four compulsory modules lasting a total of three hours.
DAEFLE (FLE teachers)
- The professional diploma in French as a foreign language from the Alliance Française Paris Ile-de-France (DAEFLE) is aimed at anyone holding a Bachelor degree and at level C1 wishing to teach French as a foreign language (FLE) in France and/or abroad. Download the form.