Discovery level
This is the very first level for children. They will learn the first words in French and will be able to answer some very simple questions.
Beginner level
Joining the first level means learning the basics that will allow you to interact in French, introduce yourself, talk about yourself and your environment while gaining confidence. This is the key in starting French lessons. Welcome to the French-speaking world!
Confirmed beginner level
This level gives you the opportunity to have a more elaborate conversation. You will be able to carry out simple everyday tasks, use polite expressions and communicate in the most common situations.
Intermediate level
Thanks to this level, you will become independent. You will be able to understand and actively participate in a discussion, give your opinion and your opinion. You will be able to cope with unexpected situations in everyday life.
This is the minimum level to obtain French nationality.
Advanced level
At the end of this level, you will be able to argue to defend your opinion, develop a point of view and negotiate. You will also be able to watch a film in French without subtitles.
This is the level required for studies in France and the minimum required for immigration to Canada.
Autonomous level
This level allows you to establish easy and spontaneous communication thanks to a broad lexical repertoire. You will have a clear, well-constructed and without hesitation speech which will show the mastered use of structures.
Master’s level
With this last level, you can express yourself fluently, precisely, in order to distinguish fine nuances of meaning in relation to complex subjects.
Why choose us ?
Our experience
Nous avons une équipe d’enseignants professionnels et certifiés qui suivent des formations régulières aux dernières méthodologies et pratiques utilisées dans le domaine de l’enseignement du français langue étrangère. Nos enseignants experts sont passionnés par l’enseignement du français aux adultes comme aux enfants, garantissant une expérience d’apprentissage immersive et plaisante pour tous.
Personalized sessions
Nos cours sont élaborés sur la base d’une évaluation approfondie des besoins et des objectifs individuels de nos apprenants.
L’Institut Français du Qatar propose différents types de cours du niveau débutant au niveau avancé, extensif et intensif, français général ou français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS).
Our strengths:
- Our courses are tailored to all levels: Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced
- Nous avons un panel d’activités captivantes qui font vivre la culture française
- Nos cours sont interactifs et dynamiques et rendent l’apprentissage ludique pour tous
- Nos cours sont spécialisés pour les enfants, transformant l’apprentissage de la langue en une véritable aventure
Our flexibility
Selon vos disponibilités et vos préférences, nous pouvons ajuster le lieu et les horaires de vos cours !
Our competitive rates
Our rates are the most competitive on the market, and when you are an IFQ learner you get discounts on all our offers!
Level table

Meet our Students
What is your profile ?
If you already have basics but don't know your level, send an email to to pass a placement test.
If you want to learn fast, you can also choose our intensive and intensive + programs
Si vous souhaitez développer vos compétences à l’oral et pratiquer le français en vous amusant et dans des situations réelles de la vie, choisissez un de our workshops!