Stratégies de compréhension en FLE. La compréhension écrite
Identifier les caractéristiques du processus de lecture ; Identifier les différentes stratégies de lecture et les mettre en relation avec les pratiques de classe ; S’approprier la démarche pédagogique de l’activité de compréhension de l’écrit. Nombre limité de places.
Course price: 100 QR, 2 hours
Date: 18/09 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Comprehension strategies in French as a foreign language. Listening comprehension
Identifier les critères du choix d’un document oral ; Identifier les différents types d’écoute et les tâches qui leur correspondent ; S’approprier la démarche pédagogique de l’activité de compréhension orale.
June 13 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
100 QR.
En présentiel, à l’IFQ
Regional training: Designing and facilitating a comodal training in French as a foreign language
From 26 to 27 May 2022, the French Institute of Qatar, in partnership with the French Institute of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, organized a training course « Design and lead a comodal training in French as a foreign language ».
Hosted by Sophie Othman, Associate Professor at the Centre for Applied Linguistics – University of Franche-Comté, This training enabled teachers from the French Institutes in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait to prepare a course of French as a foreign language in comodal with innovative digital tools and to anticipate the challenges of the comodal class on a daily basis.
Following this training, the three French Institutes will be able to offer their public French courses in comodal: the courses will therefore be accessible face-to-face and online, in order to adapt to all audiences.